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Innovation Brokerage

Other Main Service Categories

● Business Consulting

● Technology Development


Its long-standing relationship with cutting edge technologies enables VBC to effectively mediate between Industry and Research, becoming a broker of innovation, in addition to facilitating networking with a variety of stakeholders.

Innovation Hub

  • icon_01Technology & Innovation BrokerageWe are helping industrial companies gain access to innovative technologies and Start-Ups to be connected with potential investors. In collaboration with large technology transfer organizations, we facilitate technology transfer and act as a broker of innovative technologies and expertise.
  • icon_01Accelerating Innovative Ideas to MarketBy facilitating entrepreneurship’s culture early adoption by start-ups and established companies, in addition to business planning and targeted marketing services, we can provide support innovative ideas reach effectively the marketplace.
  • icon_01Pilot Prototyping of Products and ServicesWe support companies wishing to test their prototype products or services in establishing pilot projects with their potential customers or beta users to test, validate and certify their prototypes, building relationships and references of important value for their successful market launch.

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Learning & Communication

  • icon_01Training, Coaching & e-LearningAs an important part of our service offering for continuous learning, we provide training on technology, consulting and enterprise operational aspects, innovation and business coaching, in addition to e-Learning services for and on behalf of our clients.
  • icon_01Seminars, Workshops & ConferencesOur experience in organising and conducting events enables us to organise and facilitate seminars and workshops pertinent to our clients’ needs and conferences with prescribed target audiences and themes.
  • icon_01Digital Media & MarketingWe work with digital media marketing experts and firms in supporting and best serving our clients for their audio, video, 3D animation, web-apps and other digital content promotional and communication needs.

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